Issues displaying images from our Static server
We noticed that in the browsers we use (Edge and Chrome) there were reports from the failed images in the console which reported. ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR
Here i write about all things related to Tech. This will cover a whole range of topics about Nginx, ChatGPT, Kubernetes and other topics that interest me to write about. This can also be about topics related to VR, Linux, Unix and so on. I have a wide range of interests. The most important thing for me is actually to really let tech make our work easier. The hard part is in dealing with exceptions, this is where every company has troubles with.
We noticed that in the browsers we use (Edge and Chrome) there were reports from the failed images in the console which reported. ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR
Useful commands and scripts that simplify technical tasks, like managing logs using Notepad++ with regex or automating DNS checks for domains.
I will explain how a native Dutch speaker utilizes ChatGPT and Hemingway to enhance grammar, sentence flow, and readability in my English texts, resulting in hopefully more polished and comprehensible writing.
Here you will find a working docker file i created as a base to build my projects on. This a recent Nginx with compiled HTTP/3 support and Brotli support for better compression. This is posted here to share it back with anyone.
In this post i will explain my particular setup of how i use my windows terminal along with some other tips. So if you want to impress someone while working in your favorite coffee place by making them feel like you work for Nasa.