Inline Skating for wider feet
Wonder what skates would fit people with wider feet? Looking for good fitting skates? Read on and find my take on what you all find about this topic on the internet.
Having a background in Tech helps me with the struggles of my job. This enables me to have a positive conflicting view on the role of Product Owner and COO on one hand and a tech lover on the other.
Wonder what skates would fit people with wider feet? Looking for good fitting skates? Read on and find my take on what you all find about this topic on the internet.
Discover how 333travel's AI 'Joy' redefines customer interaction back in 2019, blending AI's intent understanding with personal touch. A game-changing journey in AI-led travel solutions!
We noticed that in the browsers we use (Edge and Chrome) there were reports from the failed images in the console which reported. ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR
Useful commands and scripts that simplify technical tasks, like managing logs using Notepad++ with regex or automating DNS checks for domains.
I first learned about Scrum way before the 2020 manifesto update was in place. So when we went to a Scrum master training after this 2020 release we had a nice little discussion about the change that has had the most impact with me since this update to the Scrum guide.
Ontdek mijn persoonlijke skateroutes in Alphen aan den Rijn via Google My Maps. Deze zorgvuldig uitgekozen paden hebben voor ten minste 90% een uitstekende ondergrond. Hoewel ik mijn best doe om de ideale routes te vinden, kun je af en toe wat minder goed asfalt, klinkers, en veeroosters tegenkomen.
Changing a word like "Sprint" wont mean anything if you dont foster an environment in which the words rush and haste aren't words that describe the work ethics. A sprint is just about an x week development cycle everyone understands, it shouldn't be at all related to haste and rush.
I am already for a while intrigued by transforming a business into a DAO (Decentralized autonomous organisation). Thinking of my role as a Product Owner i thought of a way that can work very well when transforming a part of our business into a DAO
Something totally not related to Agile or Tech but an little story how i feel about having found inline skating again and my past with inline skating.