About this site

The purpose of this site is to provide an insight into the life of a Product Owner. One who is also accountable as a COO and comes from a tech background. I also believe i understand the business side as well.

Table of contents

"All Subjects Matter" is an independent publication launched in March 2022. This name has a small reference to one of the misunderstood SME (Subject Matters Expert) stances. These stances are explained within the role of a Product Owner of which I find the SME one of the most fascinating stances.

The purpose of this site is to provide an insight into the life of a Product Owner who is also accountable as a COO. I have worked my whole life in the IT where my latest role was on the Dev-Ops side. I always have had a sharp eye in understanding the business side as well. In my career, I know now that I thrive best when i am able to help the business understand IT and vice versa. I also just love it to solve complex problems and really dive deep.

This is closely aligned with my understanding of Agile principles. I am accountable for a clear goal on WHY to both sides. An Agile approach helps me deliver better solutions.

I also try to think ahead and believe i have some open minded and alternative ideas on how to run a business like the article below for example.

From Traditional Businesses to DAOs: Opportunities for Product Owners
I am already for a while intrigued by transforming a business into a DAO (Decentralized autonomous organisation). Thinking of my role as a Product Owner i thought of a way that can work very well when transforming a part of our business into a DAO


I am currently working for 10 years at 333travel. Looking back, I started my role as a Product Owner in 2015 .This was the moment we started to develop a new inhouse system which we call BOSS. This system is all we use in our Company. It is our CRM, CMS, Marketing Automation, Offer flow, Booking flow. Everything we do in our company is represented in this system. After all it is the BOSS.

This system is created for the travel industry. Currently we are exploring the possibilities of bringing it to the market as a SaaS solution for other travel agencies and Tour operators.

I then got the opportunity in early 2021 to step up to the COO role within 333travel. I happily accepted that of course since this gave me even more leverage to work more on the decision side of the company. While also practicing my role as a Product Owner. Combining these two roles with a clear vision in mind.

Inline Skating

In my free time, I have picked up (aggressive) inline skating again, thanks to my children who made me question why I ever stopped skating. As a 90's kid, I grew up in the halfpipe, and I couldn't be any happier now that I got reunited with skating.

I am also still a tech addict and have also joined the VR club a while ago. As a VR enthusiast, I also see the issues that VR still needs to address to grow.

In the meanwhile I am doing workouts with my VR headset for example a session of Les mills body combat. No that is not me 😄

Contact me
Want to get in touch? Want to discuss about a topic you read. I am always eager to learn or answer questions about these topics. The way we grow is by sharing together. Dont hesitate to send me a message or an e-mail. remco@allsubjectsmatter.nl https://www.linkedin.com/
Books to read and other knowledge
Books Here you will find a list of books i can personally recommend. I found them very useful in my journey to more knowledge and understanding. Have read and can recommend! Start with Why Daniel Kahneman: Thinking fast, Thinking slow Daniel kahneman: Noise Online Influence The art of doing twice

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